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Hello there lovelies,
for QuestionsPR or Sponsorship contact: 


✧ Pimary: 1357 Ashford Ave. #329
San Juan, PR 00907
United States 

 Secondary: 2220 Meridian BlvdSuite #NX765
Minden, NV 89423

Product Reviews (are FREE with supplied Sample Product). If you would like your product (makeup, skin care, fashion, accessories, art supplies, etc.) reviewed on Dripdrip, please provide a non-returnable sample, so that I may give an honest and accurate review.
Please note, samples are to be sent to the address shown above and are non-returnable. Any background information on the product would also be beneficial.
Your product will be featured on Dripdrip.blog, Bloglovin',  Google +, Instagram & Facebook

✧ Invite Me: I love showcasing beauty & fashion events on the blog! Send me an invitation and I'll share my experience, amongst many photos, journal style. 


BLOGLOVIN: ドリップドリップ !♡

BLOGGER: Dripdrip.blog
INSTAGRAM: dripdrip.blog
PERSONAL IG: dripdripmilk
LINE: dripdripmilk
TWITTER: dripdripmilk

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