YesStyle Beauty Box - Korean Skincare Essentials ✿REVIEW✿

February 27, 2017

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored post which means that the products I'll be reviewing were provided to me by YesStyle. However, this will not hinder my true thoughts on each one of the products shown. 

Hello, kittens!
Have any of you ever spent nights binge watching all of them K-dramas while wondering how the actors and actresses accomplish such perfect complexion with minimal to no makeup? Sounds impossible, right? The western culture has this weird way of teaching us to hide or mask our flaws, rather than treat it. Whether it is with foundation, concealer, etc. We are bombarded by so many daily ads and makeup products, for example, Primers! You just have to wonder, why waste money on an expensive pore clogging product, that yes, may smoothen out your face so that your makeup looks flawless, but the true solution to smaller pores could be as simple as washing our face properly every day!
I strongly believe that's the thing I love most about Asian cultures, they actually give a great amount of importance to the skin. The largest muscle in our body and the only one you've got!  
Now, even if you agree with all of this and are fully committed to begin your new skin care regime, they're so many products out there. How do you even begin? ...and that's YesStyle cue!  "YesStyle is the first online retailer to globally distribute a wide range of fashion, beauty and lifestyle products from Asia through their website"

Let me introduce you to the YesStyle Beauty Box,
It's a box that contains five full-size and five sample-size skincare products to help you kick start your skin care routine. Not only that, it comes with a small pamphlet that tells you, step by step, the products you have to use and in what order. At first, it might seem like too much! But give it a week and I promise you'll get used to it.

The products that you'll find in this box are:

✧ RiRe Style Black Head Brush Cleanser (20ml) | Full Size
✧ Etude House AC Clean Up Toner (15ml) | Sample Size
✧ Etude House AC Clean Up Pink Powder Mask (20ml) | Sample Size
✧ Benton Snail Bee High Content Mask Pack (20g) | Full Size
✧ REPIEL Smart Hair Mask Magic Steam (Optional) (1 piece) | Full Size
✧ COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch (1 sheet /24 pieces) | Full Size
✧ AGATHA Essentiel Emulsion (10ml) | Sample Size
✧ AGATHA Essentiel Skin (10ml) | Sample Size
✧ Etude House Honey Cera Cream (10ml) | Sample Size
✧ Tony Moly Panda's Dream Pocket Lip Balm (3.8g) | Full Size

Note, that It's been a week since I received and started using the products in this box. It's the time of reference for the performance of the product.

The RiRe - Style Black Head Brush Cleanser didn't give me immediate results. However, I did notice immediate brighter skin! Weird because this isn't a whitening product. The small brush's gentle on the skin but actually gets the job done. The thing is, I have some pesky blackheads that since forever but refuse to become friends with... they're slowly disappearing, so I have to give this a 4 out of 5. 

✿ The Etude House AC Clean Up Toner is so good! It smells so fresh and it doesn't sting at all. Amazing, right? Especially for a toner. Some of you may be wondering why do you even need a toner? because they finish the job. They do! After cleaning your face, a toner helps eliminate any residue, balance your skin's ph and tighten the pores! You need to be careful, using the wrong toner could strip your face of their natural oils and leave your skin feeling dry. This one treats redness and acne prone skin. 
 ✿ This was heaven sent! This may be TMI but it was actually my shark week, last week. Which means I get the most random pimples all over my face. They're not crazy red acne pimples but close enough. The Etude House AC Clean Up Pink Powder Mask actually helped to dry them out and just by that, I think this is a great product. Not to mention, it tightened my pores a bit. It doesn't really dry matte hard like I initially thought, so this shouldn't be a problem for people with sensitive skin. However, if you're looking for a pore tightening anti-acne mask, this isn't really what you should go for.

✿ After you've done all of that, you apply your AGATHA Emulsion and Essentiel Skin. You're at the point where you're probably like, okay, is it over? But no. The emulsion basically restores your skin to it's most optimum condition. Giving your skin a small moisturizing boost while adding some good oils to the skin and last but not least, (Unless you decide to use the Etude House Honey Cera Cream.) the Essentiel Skin. This lotion-like substance will just seal everything you just previously did while adding some more moisture to the skin.
I like using these two together simply because they're from the same brand, but to be honest, I'd rather the Etude House cream than the Essentiel Skin. It smells nicer and works as a firming and overnight cream.

✿ The COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch was my least favorite simply because I don't have much use for it. My face isn't really acne prone, it's just very oily. So, if anyone else has ever used this, please let me know if it's actually good? It has really nice reviews online, and the claims look fantastic, I just can't really vouch for this product at the moment. 

✿ Sadly, this pack only contained one mask so I'm not so sure if the Benton Snail Bee High Content Mask Pack's really worth the hype? At least I took really creepy selfies! Haha. Anyways. Knowing this was the only mask, I left it for longer than expected. Basically, until the mask felt a bit dry because my skin absorbed everything! It did leave my skin feeling amazing, I can tell you that. Plump enough to forget I even have a few fine lines! So, yay?

✿ This is the cream I mentioned previously. The Etude House Honey Cera CreamIt smells so good and I love that it doesn't leave the skin feeling sticky. I've used night creams before and they usually feel so icky, unlike this one. Oh, and it's not really a night cream, just a cream you can use day and/or night. I've been putting this on my smile lines, and wait for my skin to soak it up, I swear I'm going to have a baby face forever and ever. I think it's firming properties real. So, 5 out of 5! 

✿ This was a fun little thing to try on, I kinda wish it brought more than one. I didn't really feel the steaming part on the REPIEL - Smart Hair Mask Magic Steam? But then again, this one was just a fun mess to try out. I've never used a product like this! It did leave my hair feeling really soft. I do wish I could try it out again to compare results since I can't really tell if it was life changing or not. 

✿ And last but not least, the Tony Moly Panda's Dream Pocket Lip Balm. Yes! A lip balm. Because this box literally caters to your entire head. I took for granted this lip balm, ok? I admit it. At first, I thought it was just a cute little trinket. Since I decided to commit regime to this for a whole week, I decided not to skip any step of the products and guess what, no regrets! This balm is almost as good as the expensive one I own from Fresh... dum dum dum. No joke. My lips aren't super dry for the most part but they have their moments. Right now my lips feel really soft, never overlooking cute balms again! 

At last, we've reached the end of this review! Do you think you can manage to commit to this routine? It can be a bit daunting at first, but I honestly saw improvements on my skin, and the products aren't even empty yet! (Except the one-time use ones, duh!) Any specific product you'd like to try? 
You can get this box this box here: YesStyle Beauty Box. Currently, 30% off the list price and there's also a Spring Break Sale going on, with Up to 80% off ending in Mar. 12, 2017 | ENTER CODE: 2017PARTY.
Have a wonderful week, much love! ♡ 


  1. Wow, what a great looking box, so many pretty items!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Thank you! Wishing you a lovely day as well!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, forever a sucker for cute packaging! ♡

  3. Wow you've got a lot of stuff! Which ones are your favorite?

    Angelie // Bohol Butterfly Sanctuary

    1. To be honest the Etude House Honey Cera Cream is the loveliest! I've been using it every night and It leaves my skin feeling perfect. ♡

  4. Awww awesome! xoxo

  5. So many goodies! I want the panda lip balm!! And you don't look creepy, you look kawaii!

  6. I haven't heard about this box before but I love the products you reviewed! They are so kawaii!

    I'm following you on GFC :)

    1. Aw, thank you dear! I'll do the same! ♡

  7. I'm so happy to see you're getting sponsored. Enjoy!

  8. Oh my so many items I would like to try too! :o Lovely photos ❀

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